- As hard as it sometimes seems in the daily grind, it is ever so important to not lose sight of what really matters most. Life is not about making do, but making a difference. I endeavor to make time rather than make excuses. Easier said than done.
- In a similar situation as our wall of fame, my nephew’s favorite book is a photo album that his parents made for him with photos of everyone in the family. They update it to keep up with how people grow and change and he will spend hours pointing out: Tia, Oma, Amin, Abuelito… in this manner he is able to have his family close (across many countries) and he is also able to recognize them when they visit.
- On the other hand, more than by what I wear or how I style my hair, I strive to make those around me smile. I think if you have a roomful of smiles few things can go wrong (and it is better than finding yourself surrounded by stressed out frowns).
- The most beautiful spot in our home is the door to the pantry closet. That's where my wife has taped all of the drawings, art projects, writings, and photos that my 6 yr old daughter and 3 yr old son have created. There are several drawn family portraits, and they're all happy and cheerful — thank goodness.
We have a fair bit of art and valuables throughout the house, but nothing's more endearing to our lives than what's on that door. - I think organization of your surroundings is a great way to beautify your space. My summer project, of all things, is to reorganize and paint my garage. I know it's stereotypic, but I consider the garage to be my domain and my sanctuary of sorts. It's a place that houses the tools I use to make and fix stuff. Big metal shelves, large hooks to hold tools and ladders, Craftsman benches and drawers with ball-bearing glides, and maybe a small TV.
- I think listening to music is an excellent way to make your life beautiful. Adding a soundtrack to your life by listening to music that suits your mood makes beautiful days more beautiful, and can also make sad days beautiful. And musicians probably inspire me more than any other type of artist.
- beauty is easy to find, if not buy. but making beauty out of the ugly and sad is the challenge. While not always, that's the road I ultimately strive for and it can take the shape of sponsoring a Haitian child for 25.00 a month to feed and educate him, creating a piece of art, or politely asking my neighbor to mow their field (lawn) of overgrown dandelions.
- Beauty in the unexpected, though not necessarily hidden. It just might be sitting on your desk on a daily basis.
beg your pardon
quiet mouse
swaying hips
luscious green
take a seat
a prayer
minute musing
fantastic brushstroke
broken laugh
the show begins. - More and more it's my wife who makes our life together beautiful with her craft and handywork skills. I spend more time making other people's lives beautiful, at least for now.
I'm fortunate enough to live in an area with a lot of encroaching nature (woods, trees, rivers, streams) close by, so I make my own life beautiful by taking what time I can to notice, appreciate, and walk amongst it. - I also try to wash my dishes, instead of letting them lay around our apartment.
- I just like doing whatever it takes to assist someone to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Often times, listening to people VENT frustration
is better therapy for them as oppossed to talking. On occassion I'm a BIG SPONGE.
Where I live, is on the Waterfront. I love nature seeing a family of Ducks in the water. And the baby Ducks following their mother every step of the way.
I can sit in the park and see the commercial airlines take off from Reagan National Airport. Wonder, when I'm going to get a chance to get my Airline Identity in the HEAVENS.
Definetly serene to see sail boats and Seagulls.
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