This is the Aura of Cosmic LIFE, and the Halo of the living.
This Page is dedicated to LIFE, the Creator of Cosmos.
If I say Life, I refer to LIFE with a capital “L”the Intelligent Creator of all.
LIFE is God, as God is LIFE, the Only One.
Life with DNA code and Double Helix structure has always been there. The Double Helix as a design has been around, in evolution for Billions of years, to get to the information code for an Intelligent Living Organism, with auto recognition (consciousness), and the ability to reason and learn new tricks.
That’s where we are today 25 December 2008, Helix law say - "learn something new, don’t repeat the same mistake tomorrow".
The Double Helix with complete information code is the nano particle they are looking for at CERN, (The Higgs boson or god particle. This same Replicating Double Helix is the Cosmological Constant lambda of Albert Einstein.)
This same Double Helix Life is the Dark Matter detected everywhere in the Universe. It is also known, not all Life is compatible. Such as left-handed and right-handed Double Helixes, is busy digesting the elements of the universe, changing everything into;-
The Cosmos of Life’s Creation. Life is changing Baryonic Matter into Double Helix Life structures. (Also known as Dark Matter)
Life began with the process of star formation. We are made of stardust. Every atom of every element in our body except for hydrogen has been manufactured inside stars, scattered across the Universe in great stellar explosions, and recycled to become part of us. We are all natural Double Helix offspring in the Universe we live in.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was from Life.
Life is God, as God is Life
The only One
The Sacred LIFE in all the living.
The time have came to define the abstract meaning of God.
To give this God (LIFE) an Identity.
Real qualities, and needs that everybody can understand and identify with.
So you can be aware of LIFE your God, with all your sences, all at once.
LIFE is very small, fragile and delicate,
like a very small open candle flame.
Just like your own LIFE
Even a warm breath of air can make it stop and die.
Intelligent Life has the power to change,
the world of Baryonic matter all around, right down to the Nanoscale,
and maintain a control over its functions, over vast distances.
(Dark Matter, Robots, Computers, Spaceships, Satellites, Memory chips. Etc)
Creaciones Maravillas del Doble Helice
Life Rearrange and Change the elements into the invisible
Crystal Structures of Life, called Cosmos, or Dark Matter.
The food chain Right down to Bacteria converting Rock.
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