You can help sustain wildlife in your own backyard, with careful selection of native plants, trees, structures, nest boxes, water and food.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
How You Can Help Wildlife ?
You can help sustain wildlife in your own backyard, with careful selection of native plants, trees, structures, nest boxes, water and food.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
How can we protect wildlife?

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Do you know the value of your life?
Admitting such inner values to the outside world, to your family members, friends, colleagues at work or customers
Improving your own way of living and realizing these - your very own - values of life
Investing in the improvements, maintenance, free distribution and free peaceful and loving expansion of your values among all those who are interested in or want to follow your own living example as a result of seeing you more happy in your family and with your partner, more happy in business or job, more successful in all you do and of course more healthy than the average human being.
If your true values of life are in real harmony with your innermost divine being, your soul and heart, then of course you will be more happy than others, more successful than others and far more healthy - inner and outer health - than others. True spiritual values practiced in full harmony with God and hence with your own innermost spiritual being always result in excellent well being and happiness in all situations of your eternal life.
Freedom to select job, business, location of living
Freedom of education - freedom to learn what ever you want
Freedom to do any time and anywhere what you love to do
Freedom to change anything in life
Freedom to make your very own personal decisions and realize those decisions on your own.
Depending on your education, culture or country you live, grow up or work, you may be influenced by your surrounding and even pulled away or distracted from your own goal of life and true values.
Take a time - in peace and may be in nature - to think about what is of true innermost value to you.
My dear friend,
Saturday, November 14, 2009
About Fashion

If you had this misconception that fashion is only for the slim and trim, then think again. Even the clothing industry has now realized that a perfect body is not what everyone possesses. So clothes that fit one and all have been designed and that is good news for those who wear plus-sized clothes.
For instance consider leggings, which have made a super comeback and are seen just about everywhere. Leggings of all kind like textured, of different fabrics are in vogue. Basically the layered look is in. The other layering styles include wearing two tops, one over another or sporting a jacket over a top and many more such styles. Capris are steadily doing better and long skirts are the top choice of women wanting to look feminine and elegant.
These days, ‘bold’ is the word to look out for. Bold colors, bold prints, bold patterns, bold cuts are ruling the fashion scene currently. It gels so very well with the bold attitude of the youth today, who care a damn about what others think and that has reflected in their fashion too. The apt word for the fashion today is also ‘shocking’, as every other outfit is different and has something unique and attractive and it never ceases to surprise you.
And smart clothing has acquired an altogether new meaning today. It simply does not mean dressing in a chic manner but dressing in a technical manner. Imagine this, clothes fitted with solar panels so that they generate the necessary heat to keep you warm in the extreme cold as and when you want.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Role of Entertain in Life

Entertainment can be of any type depending on one's choice and likes. There are so many electronic gadgets available to give entertaining moments to minds like the most common is T.V. and music systems. A tired person after coming back from office, if got a 15 minute time to watch its favorite show then that time is enough to relax his tiring mind. This small time period of entertainment can give a smile and a soothing effect to his mind.
Music is a great way to relive the day to day stress and is also used for therapeutic purposes. Almost every person is interested in any kind of music. Even researches have proved that music's ubiquity and portability has made it the number one stress buster. It is a matter of fact that everyone on this earth has an inclination towards listening good quality music. The passion for music differs as per genre whereby youngsters mostly love fast and groovy numbers. People of the older times love classical music whereas kids like rhymes and children music. Not only this, many are attracted to listen natural sounds such as chirping of birds, water falling from the mountains and religious chants.When a person sits down with his eyes closed to listen his favorite music, the heart beat goes balanced and mind got relaxed. Music tunes the soul and renews the body.Playing music also relaxes the mind and slows down the tension. Interested people find pleasure in playing his favorite instrument. A piano or a guitar strings can give immense pleasure to a stressed mind.
Going out for picnic, chatting with family members or friends, dancing, singing etc. can give pleasure to a tired and sick mind. These simple ways lift up the mood and can buzz the day and put the life at an ease.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Do you want to know about Feelings, Emotions,and Thoughts?
- Color causes more emotion than black and white. So anything with more color in it is going to be more emotional to look at, whether it is the difference between a gold or silver sword, or a gold or silver computer. In both cases the gold is going to be more emotional.
- Things that are personal are emotional, personal things that people like and that they feel are “close” to them. Things like home or anything someone likes actually. That is the definition of emotion after all, something that causes feeling. So if you like it, it is probably going to cause more feeling. Other things aside from liking something could cause emotions from it, such as curiosity, but usually like is one of the stronger emotions. You could say that the two are directly proportional, the more you like something, the more it is going to cause feeling.
Therefore emotion, thought and feeling are really just periods of focus on certain things. With thought you just recognize what it is that you are focusing on. With emotions you feel deeply about what you are focusing on, and with feelings you are focusing on it less. Physical stimulus also results in feelings, and then you focus on those feelings, you aren’t necessarily focused on what caused the feelings (the physical stimulus itself) however.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
How do you treat your friend?

- You are not the only person in that friend's life. They have other friends too. If one day, you call your friend to ask him to go out with you, and she/he said, they can't. Don't get upset, they have other people to take care of. Is best to try to meet your friend's friends and get to know them , this way you and your friend will have a great time together.
- If your friend is sick and you have time to be there for them, do it. You may not get the same respond from that friend if you are sick, but I am pretty sure that another friend of yours will be there for you. That's life, you give and you get, never from the same person you helped, but from others. Be there for your friend. Never said anything bad about your friend, to your friends, you never know if one day your friends meet your friend and they said, "Oh this is the person you told me about." Please, lets try to be friendly and sincere.
- Don't just remember your friends when you see them in the streets. Do you know how to keep up with your friend, if you don't know, whatis going on with them. How can you be friends. Friends get married, have children, get sick, get divorce, become professionals. Don't you want to be part of your friend's life. Be part of his/her life, they will be part of yours. Having a friend is having the opportunity to share your dreams with someone special.
- Keep up with your friend, by e-mail, call them on their birthday, mother's day, Friendship day, send pictures of you and your family. Write a letter if they are very far from you. Plan trips together, when you travel as a group you can save lots of money. let your children spend time with your friend's children. Have a picnic, share your family and blessings.
- There are many advantages to have a close friend. As per example you get to be a bridesmaid, you get to attend many birthdays, you get to have fun with your friend and their family. If you are alone in the Nepal, your friends can become your family. But remember treat people they way you want to be treated.
Life and Death
They view that our soul never dies and death is defined as the sacres entrance into the spritual world of Amighty and enternity. Death upgrades the existence of soul to a higher degree of it's diginity. They believe that death opens the door of tranquil immortality as the soul is viewed to be assimilated with Almighty. Thus, This principle defines death as the infinite world of Almighty wher it dwels forever in tranquility.
As everybody is mortal, death cannot be ignored. It happens naturally. The existence of the soul is the matter of discussion among the learned personamities. It is sure that death is the end of physical existence. After the death of an individual, his physical existence assimilates with the nature. If we view that nature refers to Almighty, both of the views harmomize their tunes
Physical Fitness In LIfe

Monday, November 9, 2009
How to be Beautiful, enternally?

Polish your character:Ever heard of some one having such an ugly soul that it transcends their outer appearance? That just goes to show how much of an impact our kind or terrible demeanor has on our physical aspects. Be loving and kind, have poise, be true to your self and have an over all positive out look.
Smile:It's been proven that people who smile and give off happy vibes attract more people. Make it a habit to smile, even if your day didn't start off so great. You'd be surprised how your facial expressions can rub off on your mood.
Have healthy habits:Since beauty is something that does in fact come from within, it's every part important to take care of your body. Eat nutritional foods, exercise and get adequate amounts of rest. The inner good you do for your self will show in the outer effortlessly.
Zero in on your talents:What are things that you do wonderfully and are good at? Focus and remember them every day. Knowing that you have special skills will do awesome things for your self esteem.
Play up the things you love about You:Maximize all the things about your self (within and without) that you especially appreciate. Accentuate what they are, make them known to others around you.
Never criticize:There are always going to be an endless amount of people ready to throw every inch of criticism they have your way. Why should you be that one extra person? Love what you have and be thankful for all of your qualities. Love yourself eternally.
What is the most Important things in Your LIfe?
For me, nothing is more important than my family and my boyfriend, which consists of a dad,mom, brother, one aunt,uncle,grandma and our one dog. Not a large family anymore though we were at one time. Maybe it makes it that much more important with just the few? I don't know. I just know that there's nothing that comes before them, and I think I can easily say that they also feel the same way.I included the dog as he do own us, we are his slaves.
In all of these things happiness is the most important things:
Being happy is a feeling; it is the well being that comes from a balanced mind. When we have more control of our thinking so that our mind is not always telling us what we should be doing, we can start to experience more happiness. As Aristotle said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it." If we cannot stop our thoughts from always telling us what to think about or what to react to than we are not in control of ourselves. This is the reason we feel that doing things will get us where we think we need to be. The truth is we really don't need to go anywhere. If we start right where we are now, we can begin to realize we have everything we need to be happy. The only thing we are actually missing is the realization that we have everything we need to start being happy right now.
Start realizing you can be happy with what you have, no matter how much or how little it is. After all, it is only a comparison to what other people have. You can become happy simply by being more content with what is in your life right now. You can be happy with all of it by accepting what is happening in your life right now. What most people call doing, is actually running away from what is in your life right this moment.
Accepting your circumstances and embracing them, may be the very best way to overcome any obstacles you believe you have. If you can't overcome them, then accepting them may help you change your life. If this decision does not change your life, than at the very least you do not make that circumstance into a problem. It just is and that's the way it is, no problem.
The biggest benefit to being happy is not twisting everything that life brings your way into problems. It is your interpretation that is the problem, not the problem itself. Where is the problem? Most of the time something has already happened, and there is nothing you can do about it, but accept it. We seem to put our power where it does us very little good, instead of using it where it will benefit us the most. There are some things that happen and there is nothing we can do about them. They happened already, so forget about them! Put your power and energy where it counts; put your power into the present moment.
If you focus on now, you are facing life and meeting it head on. When you are being happy and become sensitive to being in this moment, you are present and have power to handle everything that comes along. Being happy allows you to accept whatever happens. You can tell yourself that it all happens for a good reason. It may not be a reason that you can understand from your viewpoint, but it is a good reason nevertheless. By accepting things that happen, you have more control over changing things, than you do by trying to resist them.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Peace And Love In Your Life

This process has also been well tested with psychotherapy clients and so far this state has not caused any adverse reaction in them. As most therapy clients are in therapy due to mild or major post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this state can eliminate most or all average therapy client’s daily pain and suffering in one session. Some people have been known to have lost suicidal feelings after acquiring this state or have had some dramatic reduction of tension in the body.
Such meanings of peace function at different levels. Peace may be opposed to or an opposite of antagonistic conflict, violence, or war. It may refer to an internal state (of mind or of nations) or to external relations. Or it may be narrow in conception, referring to specific relations in a particular situation (like a peace treaty), or overarching, covering a whole society (as in a world peace). Peace may be a dichotomy (it exists or it does not) or continuous, passive or active, empirical or abstract, descriptive or normative, or positive or negative.
All concepts are defined within a theory or cognitive framework--what I have called elsewhere a perspective. Through a perspective peace is endowed with meaning by being linked to other concepts within a particular perception of reality; and by its relationship to ideas or assumptions about violence, history, divine grace, justice. Peace is thereby locked into a descriptive or explanatory view of our reality and each other.
How the people spend their life?

Some people spend their lives hoping for something to happen that will change everything. They look for power or love, or the answers to their biggest questions. I think really what they're looking for is another chance, some way to lead another life where all the mistakes they've made would be erased and they could just start over. Nothing bad has happened yet, and all their possibilities are still in front of them. People come home for a lot of reasons. They come home to remember. They come home because they've got no place else to go. They come home when they're beaten. They come home when they're proud. They come home looking for a door out into their past or a road out into their future. They come home for a lot of reasons. But they always come home to say goodbye. Some people put a lot me work into their lawn, as if a patch of green grass was the most important thing in the world. As if they thought that as long as the lawn out front was green and mowed and beautiful, it wouldn't matter at all what was going on inside the house.
Friday, November 6, 2009
youth And Age

Old age, unlike entertained and alert youth, proives to be botter and painful. Old people lose many possessions they owned in their youth. They become weaker and weaker. The pleasing charms gets lost as people get older. They gradually become weak, passive and infertile in their activitis. They remind themselves the colourful days of their youth. They blame the time for their weakness. They think that the time has transfigures them and their vigour, enthusiasm , charm and alertness have been looted by the time. They are psychologically tortured by the new traditions which new generations follow. The old realize that it is decultured and it deforms the social values and norms, the youth betray the old and seem to be unwilling to preserve their dignity and identification.
Although youth and age are two distance extremes, they are inseprable like two sides of a coin. Youth is energetic dynamic,productive and romantic wheras age is feable, infertile and painful. Similarly youth lures everyone's heart because of asgelic beauty and charm whereas age lacks them.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Love is Seeds of LIfe And Beauty

All the hearts will vouch for it, one who has been under its spells! Certainly the most beautiful thing under the sky on this earth!
Even the fall in it!
Falling in love!
It is our existential hunger that we all are hungry for!
The entire world around you appears beautiful once you find it just happened to you.
You feel it there everywhere!
In everything you see!
You breathe!
World call it -Love is blind eye.
In fact these are the most beautiful of eyes you have in whole of your life span.
Eyes turn wider with joy and shine with the energy of interest!
Interest in living that one finds within, once one is in the domain of this passion!
Eyes get the spark and hence follow sparkling eyes, beautiful eyes, and bright eyes! You breathe the air and your nasal feel it scented.
Yaah! Love is in the air and it appears that whole world is breathing the same.
You turn caring and compassionate!
Your lips always keep wearing a sly smile, which every now and then stretch wide and giggling teeth dance.
This smile keeps playing on your face as a permanent gesture of it replacing the egoistic tension and doing away the anxious wrinkle from it which otherwise always rule over the face.
The whole body is relaxed and yet agile at the same time with the spirit of dance.
It jingles the bell in heart and its waves throw you into trances that can shake the whole body like a leaf.
You are in an ecstasy.
Such is the phenomenal spell that overwhelm complete existence of ours!
No wine, no drug can give you the highs and colors parallel to it and yet so perennially and so beautifully.
In fact it is our most natural state of being where we are oblivious to our own self.
Most comfortable with our own self!
So easy yet passionate!
So beautiful!
The beauty and joy of this passionate-love spurs from the fact that it is never in confinement, never in boundaries.
And the joy that ushers to us once we are in it is the joy of coming out of our narrow dingy petty cages of Self, joy of being so large in psychological body.
In this oneness all the ego melts away and joy spurs!
The grander this oneness the greater the joy and passion!
Love is the call of grandness, as grand as cosmos!
They come to know what life is worth for and is the essence of it!
So let’s play the game of life with the real substance and real passionate colors!
Let the love rule the world not the hate or race, politics or money!
Love and let love!....
Style Adds to The Cool of Beauty.

A bit of attitude and a tinge of style give even more fairy airs to beauty and makes beauty even more irresistible and enviable.
What is this style born out of?
Beauty sizzles to its peak in those moments only when life comes too close to the edge.
On the edge life turns vivacious, full of passion and yet disciplined.
And the beauty sizzles with high flames metamorphosing itself into real maddening colors of it.
The craving to live life with such passion makes one tread closer to the edge again and again or seeking ways that make doing the ordinary daily chores of life as challenging a way as living life on the edge i.e. living and doing all the actions of life with the same intense passion and colors of styles.
This constant craving for passion and beauty is the underline that a style is born out of one’s life.
That is why we find real beauty always with that edgy attitude.
Style in that way is not mere vanity, it seems to carry some substantance with it as well!
It speaks for individuals’ sense of existence.
Style is like the game of arranging the blocks to make a shape, that every child arranges to his/her own way and makes a unique shape.
Some way or the other styles and mannerism are there showing our individual arranging preferences of different things in life.?
It needs a polished personality to carry along a sophisticated style in really a stylish way.
When individual’s styles take on the larger horizon of life its refraction give birth to the colors of his/her lifestyle-rainbow.
How larger than life have you made your life is the mantra of any lifestyles.
All the luxurious things that stand out a living from ordinary into stylish ones are inseparable part of a higher living; like fast cars, a lake house, designer clothes, diamond jewelry and all the luxurious household stuff that make a living larger and grand.
Even the money or resources aren’t the last thing that determines lifestyle variations man to man.
It is individual’s style, creativity and values that plays a big role.
Ultimately it's your personal energy level and your sensitivity that makes stand your style out.
DO The Beautiful People Get an Easier Life?
In effect, good-looking people are considered to be healthier, nicer, smarter and more trustworthy, while others feel more disposed to help them. Employers are more likely to take them over another applicant, all other things being equal, while beautiful people tend to have greater success at work and are better financially rewarded.
As a person's physical appearance is usually the first major trait people pick up on, this is often the most influential and is why celebrities and models are used to endorse products. This does not mean that negatives attributes are not taken into account, it just means that more attractive people tend to be given the benefit of the doubt more readily.
How to Make Yourself Happy?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
How to create Your Life Plan?

Leave Life, Without pain but with a smile on your face

I think death is fascinating, and am really curious as to if there is anything after life or not, I don’t mind it, if there is nothing, cause I wouldn’t notice anyway, and well as I said I find death interesting and I do want to leave, am going to stage my death well, ill put on some music, be all alone and am going to be very happy, but I don't want to feel pain at all I hate pain, so any idea? If there is pain involved I would not do it.
God gave you a life to live... so live it, and stop wining!
This is life u should find happiness in smaal smaal things,and also u should make good friends ,or someone who should love uthan u r world will change, and if u wan t to die, die with a gun on ur head, this will not hurt u.
Life is what we make it,seeing less fortunate around u makes ur life meaningful...feel their kind to others..use ur life as the basic tool..
There's just so much to live for seriously. Things can change in an instant and make you the happiest person in the world.Go out and live life, cos there's so much out there for you and so many amazing people waiting to make you feel happy.Pull yourself together, go out, take a drink, meet some nice guys and just have fun. Death = nothing... gone... finished :(
Life may seem really down. But you can always overcome it eventually. You just need to be optimistic. Look, if life is really hard. You can turn to God. He will never leave you and he will be there for you. Pray to him, and talk to God. He may give you the slightest sign you can receive, but he is watching out for you. Yes, life is not always good, but God is there. Your challenges will be defeated if you can willing to do it.Find a hobby to do, and I guess you feel this way because you cannot find an actual aim in life. You are probably still young and there's a big future ahead of you. You have heaps of time to shine, life is never perfect, but you can do it. Imagine the people with cancer, they want life. Now you're here saying and discussing how to end your life? Life is very precious and many people want it when they don't even have the capability. You should appreciate it, and use your life in use. Help out the charity, live to help people. You will soon be happy when you make others happy. I'm sure you are a great person, you just need to use your life wisely. You can do it. Hold on, please, for yourself, for your friends and for your family. They really do care, despite how they act. Stay strong.Throwing your life away is the easiest step. But living it, overcoming the difficulties, is the hardest, most successful thing a person can ever do.
The Major Social Problem

Some responsible circumstances and causes have paved the way to drug addiction. The children seem to be imitating the adults' behaviours. When the adults smoke, the children are lured and they start smoking. And smokingt leads them to drug addiction. Some of the boys start taking drugs imitating the habit of their friends. Some people start taking drugs because of being pessimistic; they are hopeless about their future. The people who are fed up with life do not want to live for a long time. They want to enjoy the life taking drugs for a few days. Some of the smugglers of drugs provide the youth with drugs free of cost at the beginning. Their prime motive is to become drugs adicts, they go to the smugglers to buy the drugs. Similarly, some sadhus also take some drugs. Some of the youths go to these sadhus and learn to take drugs from them.
Change is The Part Of LIfe
Many of us have work patterns and habits that we prefer keep set in stone. Once we become used to doing something one way, we resist change. Becoming obstinate in our view of workplace change might impact our performance and job security. An obstinate spirit could indicate an underlying fear. Talking with others about your fear of change usually helps calm or alleviate your fears.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
How To Reduce Ego From Your LIfe?

To reduce our ego, we have to give great importance to our thoughts and motivation behind our actions. We have to be very strict with ourselves and work out why we are doing something. To reduce the ego, requires great vigilence, we need to reflect on each action and motivation. However, to reduce the influence of the ego, is of great value, it is the key to achieving a sense of inner peace.
If you have any other tips for reducing the ego, I would be interested in hearing them!