Some people spend their lives hoping for something to happen that will change everything. They look for power or love, or the answers to their biggest questions. I think really what they're looking for is another chance, some way to lead another life where all the mistakes they've made would be erased and they could just start over. Nothing bad has happened yet, and all their possibilities are still in front of them. People come home for a lot of reasons. They come home to remember. They come home because they've got no place else to go. They come home when they're beaten. They come home when they're proud. They come home looking for a door out into their past or a road out into their future. They come home for a lot of reasons. But they always come home to say goodbye. Some people put a lot me work into their lawn, as if a patch of green grass was the most important thing in the world. As if they thought that as long as the lawn out front was green and mowed and beautiful, it wouldn't matter at all what was going on inside the house.
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