If I could write the script of my life, I would be successful, wealthy, and admired by all. But, the truth is that each one of us encounters failed plans, misery, and even tragedy. We break down. We can be broken by circumstances, by poor relationships, by physical trials, and even by the consequences of our own actions.
If you are experiencing brokenness right now then you can identify with what I’m saying. You feel like you’ve been kicked in the gut so hard and so often that you are just a shell, a faint shadow, of what you used to be. You feel isolated and alone. No one seems to care and no one is able to rescue you from your sea of despair. This intense pain paralyzes your heart, enslaves your every thought, and robs you of the joy of life that once brought you pleasure.
If you are experiencing brokenness right now then you can identify with what I’m saying. You feel like you’ve been kicked in the gut so hard and so often that you are just a shell, a faint shadow, of what you used to be. You feel isolated and alone. No one seems to care and no one is able to rescue you from your sea of despair. This intense pain paralyzes your heart, enslaves your every thought, and robs you of the joy of life that once brought you pleasure.
If you are like me, you try to avoid pain at all cost. Some turn to alcohol to drown their sorrows. Others deal with the pain by filling their lives with hyper activity. They will do anything they can to avoid the pain and to ignore the pain. The problem when you take this road is that you never really deal with the brokenness. The heart ache is still there and will even intensify when the anesthesia wears off.
If you sincerely want to move from brokenness to wholeness in your life journey then you must take courage and deal with your pain. You must attack your brokenness with such intensity that you will not accept defeat. The key to wholeness is to find healing by a power greater than ourselves. This power exists and His name is Jesus Christ.
If you sincerely want to move from brokenness to wholeness in your life journey then you must take courage and deal with your pain. You must attack your brokenness with such intensity that you will not accept defeat. The key to wholeness is to find healing by a power greater than ourselves. This power exists and His name is Jesus Christ.
jesus understands brokenness. He knows what it is like to be betrayed and ridiculed. He had His words twisted. He was called demon-possessed. He was tortured physically and was nailed to a cross to die as a common criminal. He was sinless and yet died as one who was the worst of sinners. But, Jesus overcame His brokenness by being obedient to God at all times. As a result, Jesus rose from the grave on the third day after his death and is alive today. He chose the road to wholeness by giving His life to God the Father and allowing God to bring healing.
And now, Jesus is asking you to give Him your brokenness. If you choose to do this, then remember that He does not want just your pain, He wants all of you. He wants your heart, your mind, and your strength. For the only way that you can receive healing from the pain and to be placed on your journey to wholeness, is to give Him the entirety of your being. You follow Him as your Savoir and friend…. and you play by His rules. Your brokenness was meant to destroy you. But, when you give your heart to Jesus, you will find true healing and life.
Are you broken in spirit today? Do you live with a broken heart? If so, I urge you to come to Jesus. Believe in Him as your Savior. He is the healer. He is the one who will bind up your broken heart and give you abundant life.
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