Youth is the age of spirit, enthusiasm, Zeal, Vigour, Pleasure, charm and prosperity. Everyone is his youth plans to prosper his life and he is always willing and enthusiastic to perform somethings creatively. His will power gets him to be active and progressive.Youth is always vigourous and alerts and leads the individual to the destination of life. Young people can accumulated dignified achievement which may by pass acrimony of failures. Youth is consideres to be full of pleasure and romance.Young people entertain their fertile life being accompained with their friends. They seem to be authority to be loved as they are full of hypnotic charm and attraction. Because of the dynamic vigour and zeal prevailing in the youth, every step of individual is led to prosperity. But youth is, furthermore responsible to complete some duties and responsibilities because the young have to advance the creatuve potential and aptuse of their creative potential and richly acquired vigour and enthusiams.
Old age, unlike entertained and alert youth, proives to be botter and painful. Old people lose many possessions they owned in their youth. They become weaker and weaker. The pleasing charms gets lost as people get older. They gradually become weak, passive and infertile in their activitis. They remind themselves the colourful days of their youth. They blame the time for their weakness. They think that the time has transfigures them and their vigour, enthusiasm , charm and alertness have been looted by the time. They are psychologically tortured by the new traditions which new generations follow. The old realize that it is decultured and it deforms the social values and norms, the youth betray the old and seem to be unwilling to preserve their dignity and identification.
Although youth and age are two distance extremes, they are inseprable like two sides of a coin. Youth is energetic dynamic,productive and romantic wheras age is feable, infertile and painful. Similarly youth lures everyone's heart because of asgelic beauty and charm whereas age lacks them.
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