What's the most important thing in your life? Is it your family, your job, a hobby or something completely different?
For me, nothing is more important than my family and my boyfriend, which consists of a dad,mom, brother, one aunt,uncle,grandma and our one dog. Not a large family anymore though we were at one time. Maybe it makes it that much more important with just the few? I don't know. I just know that there's nothing that comes before them, and I think I can easily say that they also feel the same way.I included the dog as he do own us, we are his slaves.
For me, nothing is more important than my family and my boyfriend, which consists of a dad,mom, brother, one aunt,uncle,grandma and our one dog. Not a large family anymore though we were at one time. Maybe it makes it that much more important with just the few? I don't know. I just know that there's nothing that comes before them, and I think I can easily say that they also feel the same way.I included the dog as he do own us, we are his slaves.
In all of these things happiness is the most important things:
You may not realize it but happiness is the most important thing in your life. Do you ever have the feeling that something is missing? Ever wonder if this is really all there is? That feeling may be letting you know that there is something very important that you are not experiencing in your life right now. That something may very well be happiness.
Do you ever feel that after you got what you thought you wanted you still felt an emptiness? You still did not get what you really wanted. You may not even be sure what it really is that you wanted in the first place. That is because you were missing out on being happy. Up till now, your life has been more about what you are doing rather than about what you are being. I am sure you have been doing a lot of things in your life. Have they made you feel great? Do you feel satisfied with what you have done? Probably not, because doing is never enough to make you happy. You really need to develop the feeling of being happy in order to feel good about yourself and the world around you.
Being happy is a feeling; it is the well being that comes from a balanced mind. When we have more control of our thinking so that our mind is not always telling us what we should be doing, we can start to experience more happiness. As Aristotle said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it." If we cannot stop our thoughts from always telling us what to think about or what to react to than we are not in control of ourselves. This is the reason we feel that doing things will get us where we think we need to be. The truth is we really don't need to go anywhere. If we start right where we are now, we can begin to realize we have everything we need to be happy. The only thing we are actually missing is the realization that we have everything we need to start being happy right now.
Start realizing you can be happy with what you have, no matter how much or how little it is. After all, it is only a comparison to what other people have. You can become happy simply by being more content with what is in your life right now. You can be happy with all of it by accepting what is happening in your life right now. What most people call doing, is actually running away from what is in your life right this moment.
Accepting your circumstances and embracing them, may be the very best way to overcome any obstacles you believe you have. If you can't overcome them, then accepting them may help you change your life. If this decision does not change your life, than at the very least you do not make that circumstance into a problem. It just is and that's the way it is, no problem.
The biggest benefit to being happy is not twisting everything that life brings your way into problems. It is your interpretation that is the problem, not the problem itself. Where is the problem? Most of the time something has already happened, and there is nothing you can do about it, but accept it. We seem to put our power where it does us very little good, instead of using it where it will benefit us the most. There are some things that happen and there is nothing we can do about them. They happened already, so forget about them! Put your power and energy where it counts; put your power into the present moment.
If you focus on now, you are facing life and meeting it head on. When you are being happy and become sensitive to being in this moment, you are present and have power to handle everything that comes along. Being happy allows you to accept whatever happens. You can tell yourself that it all happens for a good reason. It may not be a reason that you can understand from your viewpoint, but it is a good reason nevertheless. By accepting things that happen, you have more control over changing things, than you do by trying to resist them.
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