Thursday, November 5, 2009

DO The Beautiful People Get an Easier Life?

Things For You:
Being beautiful and the compulsion to have cosmetic surgery is about more than just good looks it would seem. According to research a phenomenon known as the "halo effect" means people who are physically blessed are also bestowed with a whole gamut of internal positive qualities by those around them.
In effect, good-looking people are considered to be healthier, nicer, smarter and more trustworthy, while others feel more disposed to help them. Employers are more likely to take them over another applicant, all other things being equal, while beautiful people tend to have greater success at work and are better financially rewarded.

The connection was first established by American psychologist Edward L. Thorndike who provided empirical research to back up the halo effect in a study he published in 1920. In it he asked a group of commanding officers to rate the soldiers in their charge. He established that there was an unconscious bias towards seeing the individuals as either entirely good or bad, whereby the perception of one particular trait can influence the perception of that person as a whole.
As a person's physical appearance is usually the first major trait people pick up on, this is often the most influential and is why celebrities and models are used to endorse products. This does not mean that negatives attributes are not taken into account, it just means that more attractive people tend to be given the benefit of the doubt more readily.

It is understandable then that in our modern, competitive world people who are keen to get the edge often turn to cosmetic surgery to give that extra boost.

Patients seek out face lifts for several reasons, the most common being the desire to remove wrinkles and sagging from their face in an effort to appear younger and more beautiful. A traditional face lift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is one of the top 10 cosmetic surgery procedures performed today. A Beauty Lift, utilizing the Serdev Suture Suspension technique, is an alternative to traditional face lifts offering no scarring and a very fast period of recovery.

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